I’ve been playing TFS since launch and it’s been relatively smooth sailing up until 6 days ago with update 1.123.000.
Since then, while on the pale heart, my game crashes nearly every time I fast travel to another landing zone. While it isn’t with every fast travel, it’s only consistently crashing when I fast travel.
I have all the latest updates to my console.
I would greatly appreciate any guidance as to what to do, or to know if others experience the same problem.
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out!
If you haven't already, could you please try [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049199051-Clearing-the-Console-Cache]clearing your console cache[/url] to resolve the issue?
Reinstalling the game may also help in case some files were corrupted while installing the update.
If you continue experiencing this after, please let us know!
I had mine crash twice on Seraph Shield tonight. Both to the PSN desktop screen. I dunno why this is suddenly happening, but it’s not a good thing for a console….