Feedback on classes, their identity and armor stats
Hi, if I'm making this post it's to express an opinion that for me matters a lot as a player, in relation to the identity of the classes and how they are unique to me, and also the problem I currently feel in relation to this.
First of all, I've been playing since Forsaken, I've been through all the sandbox changes since then and I play all 3 classes.
Today, I personally feel that we've lost a bit of what made a class unique in combat, and what made certain classes stand out in certain situations.
In my fantasy, for example, the Titan is the class that goes to the front, is tanky and can offer defensive options for its allies, the Hunter is the one that will mainly do crowd-control and ranged dps on big targets, and the Warlock supports its allies with either heal, debuff or send its elemental buddies on enemies.
But today, Hunters can fill all addclear roles in melee and ranged, and have enough sustain to survive without anyone's help, as well as having the best dps rotation in the game, which works everywhere.
Warlocks have a better defined identity, with possible builds revolving around elemental buddies and with their super support like Song of Flame.
The Titan is stuck on specific builds, in solar you can't go from sol invictus, I'm not talking about stasis, in void the defensive options aren't useful at all compared to what the Warlock can offer, in "arc" the options aren't numerous either to survive in melee, in strand the only viable build is with Banner of War, in prismatic you have offensive options but nothing that allows you to survive effectively.
Well, this first part was a bit long, but that's my feeling on what, for me, is an identity problem for classes, and their effectiveness in the sandbox, mainly in endgame.
Another subject that I would like to raise is armor stats, what is the point of their existence when the only stat regardless of the class that is necessary and impactful is resilience?
Wouldn't it be more interesting to remove them and assign these stats with default values to classes? like having the Titan which has a default of 100 resilience, and a strong melee regeneration for example, and adding armor perks to keep an interest in farming them as is already done for exotic class items?
My point is that I find that there is no point in having them given that what impacts skill regeneration the most is the fragments associated with subclasses, which is more interesting in my opinion in terms of buildingcrafting.
Also removing the investment to have in the stats can allow in a sense to have more identity on the classes themselves, having a titan with good resilience and good melee regeneration, the hunter with good mobility and better super regeneration and the warlock with good recovery and grenade regeneration (these are just examples).
That's it, I'm done, I don't know if this post will be seen but I just wanted to suggest something to help, I know that I'm not a game designer and that you already have competent people for that but hey there you go.