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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Dust The Dragonにより編集済み: 7/5/2024 12:43:56 AM

New warlock super

I know we just got a new warlock solar super, but i thought of this while lying in bed and wanted to put it in writing before i forgot. We have incinerator snap, and its already become iconic, so why not male it an an offensive one off super? Think like this, the warlock spreads their arms, gathering solar light, then focuses that light into just their right hand. Then they envision the destruction to follow (gameplay wise with would be a highlight to show were the super would take effect, theyd have until the super energy runs out to activate it), and then they SNAP. An almighty explosion rings out at the spot highlighted, but thats not all, the warlock wisks the flames of the dying explosion into a brief fire tornado, dealing damage over time and locking down an area for a few seconds. Call it Annihilation Snap I KNOW we just got a solar warlock super but i cant stop thinking about how cool this would be



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