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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/9/2024 7:47:12 AM

Ward of Dawn Buff Thoughts

-Make dome completely [b]indestructible[/b] against pve combatants. Currently, it's not really indestructible. Although rare, there are still some enemies who can destroy the Bubble, such as the main gun of the Cabal tank in Grandmaster difficulty. Compared to the sword at the Well of Radiance center, the hitbox of the Bubble is larger, so I think it is reasonable. -When [b]Controlled Demolition Aspect[/b] is equipped, casting Ward of Dawn or Sentinel Shield to grant [b]Volatile Rounds[/b] to nearby allies. Passing through the Bubble or standing behind the Sentinel Shield will refresh the duration of Volatile Rounds. This idea is from the Well of Radiance's ability to provide anti-barrier capability. I think Ward of Dawn should also have it. -Each Titan can only allow one Ward of Dawn to exist, but after the Titan's death, Ward of Dawn should [b]continue to exist[/b] on the battlefield. If a warlock who cast the well died, the well will not disappear. It's unfair. In some activities where supers can be repeatedly casted (such as The Blind Well), Warlock can even cast Well to cover the entire map. However, it is obvious that having too many bubbles is also unreasonable, as it will stop teammates from shooting. So it's enough to keep the bubble after the player dies. -[b]Armor of Light[/b] should be able to be taken out of the Bubble by allies. Let Armor of Light work like Woven Mail. High resistance against pve combatants, less resistance against pvp players. And let Armor of Light work together with other damage resistance buffs (of course, they should also include Void Overshield), adjusting the coefficient when they coexist to avoid being too crazy. I only think of so much. More ideas are welcome.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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