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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Goonにより編集済み: 8/6/2024 11:25:49 PM

Bungie, the exotic class item drop rate changes are the opposite of what we wanted/needed.

I understand you wanted to do something about AFK macro farming, but I have to imagine that the percentage of players doing that was statistically insignificant overall. Now drop rates are somehow worse than they used to be, which is completely opposite to what was needed and what the community wanted. Can you please revert the nerf to the drop rate from Pale Heart chests? I understand this doesn't solve the macro farming issue, but is it really fair to punish everyone for the actions of a few? As an additional suggestion, GM Excision would be much more worthwhile for players who have already completed it if it guaranteed an exotic class item upon completion. Even the chance of a drop, even if uncommon, from regular Excision would be a welcome change.



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