I just wanted to ask, does the void soul occasionally just wait a second after dealing damage before deploying? is this a bug or is it just how it works?
and is this something that can be improved?
I'm just asking as I like to play crucible but sometimes the void buddy just sits on my shoulder like a little spectator for a whole second
Its finicky to say the least sometimes it refused to leave your side regardless of shooting the enemy and sometimes just fly past them. It could really use a fix.
A exotic that lets you have void, solar, stasis, arc,strand buddies all at once like a galaxy
I'm not 100% but I think it needs line of sight. Seems like if I peak from the side my buddy is not, he will NOT deploy. I usually have to fully expose myself before he decides to do anything. It would be a great tool to disperse camping groups of gamers.... If it would just do its job xD
The void soul requires you to deal "consistent" damage to be deployed. I've noticed in both pvp and pve that if you just pop up, shoot one bullet, then hide again, it doesn't deploy. You often have to hit 2-3 shots for it to deploy.