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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/11/2024 1:37:40 AM

Khvostov and Hard Light, by a Self Proclaimed Auto Rifle Expert.

I love auto rifles, let me start out with that. I have roughly eight thousand crucible kills on Sweet Business, two thousand on Cerberus +1, and one thousand on breakneck, along with heavy use of other auto rifles, so I think I am a sort of credible source when I say theres two exotics that fly under the auto rifle tier list for me. Thats the Hard Light and the Khvostov 7G-0X. Both of these auto rifles have ricochet rounds in their kit, Khvostov has a ricochet round every 7th bullet and Hard Light's bullets bounce off walls gaining a bonus in damage when they do. The downside is Khvostov's exotic perk doesnt feel exotic enough to be its own weapon and that both weapons really dont feel great to use in PVP or PVE, especially over other exotic auto rifles that are more unique or more powerful! (Sweet Business, Necrochasm, SUROS Regime, Quicksilver Storm, Tommy's Matchbook, Centrifuse and Choir of One (Note these do not need any balance changes this is just a list of examples)). Though a catalyst could fix Khvostov in the future it cannot be said the same for Hard Light which is a very outdated Exotic Auto Rifle. My Solution? Khvostov's exotic trait would fit perfectly with the Identity and Power Fantasy Hard Light brings as a Ricochet weapon. If Hard Light had a ricochet bullet every 7 rounds it would breathe new life into the older exotic while also fitting in with its Identity as the Ricochet Exotic. Very simple fix for Hard Light, but what about the Khvostov? In Destiny 1 it was the ultimate customization weapon, you were able to swap scopes, rates of fire, the way it fired (Semi Automatic, Burst and Fully Automatic), Stocks, Barrels, and even perks (Looking at you Shoot to Loot)!!! Even if it wasn't the slam dunk exotic of the year during Rise of Iron when it launched it was still unique in its way being the most customizable weapon in Destiny 1. To put things simply I wish it was just as customizable in Destiny 2 as Destiny 1, but with a twist! Using the crafting system you should be allowed to change the frame of Khvostov, utilizing every frame of Auto Rifle and Rapid-Fire Pulse and Scout respectively. Along with perks you cannot find on any other auto rifle in the game. (Including but not limited to these examples: Box Breathing, Master of Arms, Explosive Payload, Headseeker, etc.) Even if you need to lock certain perks to certain frames that Khovstov can utilize it would still make this gun much more Unique as an Exotic. Think of the Khovstov as the -blam!- Customizability weapon, the Craftening in a beloved frame. It would really sing to the exotics identity. Thanks for you time, -Biz



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Did you miss when Khovostov broke the game? Or how even in its nerfed state it still sees consistently high usage, appearing consistent among the most used weapons in the entire game. A distinction it didn't really have when it's sole claim to fame was is modularity and customization. I know you're the expert, but I feel like an expert wouldn't let that fly under the radar.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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