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10/15/2024 11:53:38 PM

Soft lock at the end of servitor boss in Vesper's Host Dungeon

So before this was all happening, things in the server for me and the other person (puppy) weren't accurately registering the moment they occurred. The panels were activating a second after shot and terminals took ~2 seconds to put the operator back in. So something was originally going on with the servers, but what happened was the boss HP was also lagging behind, which must have messed with SOMETHING and caused it to go back and spawn with the invincibility shield, but as that happened, it went straight down to final DPS phase where you destroy all the servitors. At the same time, it didn't remove the shield on any of the servitors, so we were soft locked and couldn't complete the encounter. If you notice any lag problems like that, don't attempt the encounter as there is a high chance as the same thing happening TL.DR: Server was having troubles, boss got shield, went to final DPS phase, it was invincible. Don't play while server issues are occurring.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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