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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
ivbrodie86により編集済み: 12/24/2024 4:00:28 AM

Destiny Universe

This may be controversial but I hope Destiny 2 burns to the ground so that Destiny Universe can rise from its ashes. It pains me to say that as I LOVE Destiny. However, let me elaborate… with Frontiers, we should put to bed the light/dark saga. I literally mean cut it all out and start anew. With this, Destiny 2 should re-brand. It’s not a Destiny 3 as such because it stays in the same game but the game should be known by a new name like Destiny Universe. Also, I think Destiny should break into 2 games. The first is free to play and designed exclusively for New Lights. It should be easy and give them a comprehensive introduction to the aspects of the game. However, it should be very limited and should have a point whereby you “complete” the game. This means that if you want to continue, you then need to add the actual game that you pay for. The “paid for” game should be broken into 2 difficulties. Casual and Committed. Casual is for the story. Gameplay is simple. Committed is for the veteran that wants difficulty. Gameplay is very challenging and is quite literally impossible without total commitment to build crafting. There should be no in between difficulties. This bit is crucial in my opinion. The story updates should be consistent and moves the narrative forward every 2 weeks. This will give people time to keep up. The missions/quests should take a few hours to complete minimum. Crafting should be a thing for all weapons and utilises collections. Collections kinda becomes a vault of frames. When a weapon drops you open the frame. You infuse aspects of a weapon that drops into the frame to unlock it (you infuse the barrel arrowhead break from a drop to unlock the barrel on the frame for example). You would need to infuse a minimum of 5 weapons to craft the frame (1 barrel, 1 mag, 2 perks and 1 masterwork). Any thoughts?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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