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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
moistにより編集済み: 2/6/2025 7:50:20 AM

The nether is interesting,here’s why:

[b]SO….[/b] the nether is incredibly tedious or maybe even infuriating as a solo player,but fun as a duo it is fun. The way it works is less of a normal destiny mode and more like an investment type thing,everything is a currency including your health,healing abilities and overshields do very little so you don’t want to spec into that too much. At its core it isn’t destiny but it CAN be FUN,the main goal of the nether isn’t survival through defense or healing but through aggression,it suits the whole hive theme and sword logic stuff,the more damage and crowd control you can do the better and the more you kill and take the more powerful you become;what I’m getting is that we aren’t supposed to be in the nether fighting like we usually do but more like the hive do. [b]I highly recommend this:[/b] if you’re a [b]solo player[/b] use things with insane crowd control and damage and run a build that will give you damage resist instead of healing or overshields,you want things that deal in percentages and [b]not[/b] set numbers.(woven mail,stasis shards,glaive shields,etc…) If you’re a [b]DUO[/b] bring the auto rifles that heal your teammates,[b]support frames[/b] you can get good chunks of heals done that way,and don’t worry about healing abilities,bring stuff for movement and clearing targets,then focus on damage. [b]overall these are endgame mechanics[/b]without the need of being in a team,the nether is good [b]BUT[/b] Bungie did a terrible job at explaining it,guides will come out soon,don’t give up just yet,[b]change your build and try again,YOU CAN DO IT![/b]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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