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2/2/2013 2:52:40 AM

Using a persons past mistakes as a weapon...-

...It was not too long ago on here in some random thread about Sex before marriage came up and I was reluctant to use my past mistake as a testimony to somebody who was curious about my faith. As soon as it was known that I was a Christian man and that I have had sex in the past in my Teen years. It was then used against me as a weapon to some very illogical and uneducated means. Saying things like "hypocrite" "maybe he is not a good Christian" "maybe he picks and choose what to believe", etc. Doing things like that is absolutely uncalled for in any situation! it is a sheer lack of wisdom and decency to try and use anything as a weapon of a personal nature. It happens in real life too, at my University to be exact. I try my best to not curse. But I had one moment where sombody scared me half to death and I yelled out "OH S**T" and another person who has bonked heads with me before said: "Why to go Christian man! Shows how full of crap you are!" *facepalm* Anywho, when things like this happen. Do you try your best to shrug it off?



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