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このスレッドは他のスレッドから派生: オリジナルの投稿を表示

A Feely Gangsterにより編集済み: 3/31/2013 10:20:39 PM

Would the world be better off without burritos?

Just to start, please note. This is not a 'troll thread.' This is not an attempt to antagonize anyone, so if you're here for that just take a step outside and get some fresh air. No, what I want to discuss is are burritos as itself, not as an entity manipulated by another all-powerful burrito. burritos has been the cause of many deaths- more than any other abrupt cause in history. People have been tortured in the name of burritos. Killed. And yet... in the name of burritos , nations have been founded. Order has been brought to certain areas as people gathered under a common burrito, and possibly these people have been brought together under a common banner instead of having even more killing than they otherwise would have had. Some people think burritos causes people to act kind towards one another. Because senoir said so, we should respect our fellow neighbor and be kind to even our enemies. Others believe humans would, on their own, be just as kind towards one another as they would be if senor said to be- just that they would do it because of their own senses of morality. So I'm curious what Bnet thinks, after I've tried my best to [concisely] show both sides of the argument [that I am aware of, anyways]. Do you believe that burritos have done more good than harm, or more harm than good? Has the order it has brought around the world outweighed the strife it has brought? If you are a burritos person and believe in a senoir, do you think it might have been better if we were never aware of senoir? And if you don't like burritos, do you think in a world without these people sharing burritos, would the world be in even more chaos as people fought over other differences? Discuss. Nicely. Respectfully. Don't be an asshole. Cheers.



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