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HurtfulTurkeyにより編集済み: 5/5/2013 1:56:52 AM

Massive explosion in Syrian capital (Video + BBC)

Apparently I'm blind; [url=]there's already a thread on this.[/url] Skip to 0:20. All I know is this happened today and it's rumored that it was an Israeli rocket attack. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Painful Crap [url=]Here's a news link.[/url][/quote] [quote]Syrian state TV says Israeli rockets have hit a military research centre on the outskirts of the capital Damascus. Huge explosions have been heard in the Mount Qassioun area of the city. The research centre there was the target of a Israeli strike in January. Earlier, Israeli officials speaking on condition of anonymity said that on Friday Israeli aircraft had attacked a shipment of missiles inside Syria. The missiles were believed to be destined for Lebanon's Hezbollah. [/quote] [quote]"We don't respond to this kind of report," an Israeli army spokeswoman told Reuters news agency. Earlier, unnamed US-based Israeli officials confirmed Israel had launched an air strike inside Syria, targeting a consignment of missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah on Friday.[/quote] [url=]link[/url]



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