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4/15/2013 8:07:10 PM

Is it just me or are games getting easier?





Maybe (Sir/Madam... Pimp slap incoming!!!)


I've notice in the latest games, games have been getting remarkably easier than they were a few years ago. Im going to use Halo as an example (Not because its x-bungies game but because most players are familiar with it) With Halo 1 and 2 doing it on legendary by your self was (To be honest) Damn near impossible (unless you had the reactions of a super computer and the mental to survive an Apocalypse of gernades) To the people that did sir/madam i tip my hat to you. In Halo 3, Wars, ODST and Reach it was still very hard but was possible. Sure you would have cut your fingers rather than play the game at some points but your body would have made it 95% of the way through. But with Halo 4 was to me not to challenging sure i would get spawn killed sometimes but nothing a grenade couldn't handle. To me modern games just don't have the same amount of challenges about them. Now to ask the community. Does anyone agree with what i have said if you don't explain and i will relate and submit myself to be wrong about what ive said



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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