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Destiny について話し合おう
DestinyDetectiveにより編集済み: 5/30/2013 2:02:35 AM

The Time Traveler, Greatest Mystery, Reason We Defend Our Last City?!

For more Stories/ Theories follow the link bellow! Destiny Story Hub! Link Your Story/ Theory Thread! [b]WARNING[/b]: What you're about to read is very long. This is pure theory. Theory, as in my opinion. Nothing more nothing less. I'm sure all my points will be answered in time, but i'm simply impatient. And bored. So first off, let's begin with the introduction to Destiny, and The Traveler. There are 3 main sections to this intro. [u]Welcome To The Frontier[/u]. [u]The Traveler[/u]. [u]The City[/u]. I've read, and re-read them many times. There are many things that intrigue me, and many more that irritate me. [b]Note[/b]: Link to the Original Intro is provided below. I found it easier to understand it by condensing/ re-arranging the story, in chronological order. Original Intro Story link: That said, i'll now list the story, and highlight my main points. [u]Section 1.[/u] The Traveler: "[b]Everything changed with the arrival of the Traveler.[/b] [b]Long ago, it breathed new life into our system[/b] and began our Golden Age." [u]Section 2.[/u] The City: "[b]In our darkest days, Humans, Exos, and Awoken found the Traveler where it made its 'last stand low above Earth, silent and immobile'[/b]. We built this City – our last – within its protective Shield, [b]fighting countless wars to keep its peace[/b]. From that dark age, the Guardians of the City were born. [u]Section 3.[/u] Welcome To The Frontier: "For centuries we've huddled under the safety of the Traveler, protected from our enemies. Now, a new era has begun, and [b]the only hope for our future lies in unlocking the greatest mysteries of our past[/b]." [b]Point #1.[/b] [u]Arrival, Purpose:[/u] How and/or why did The Traveler come here? Did it come from a different galaxy, or perhaps a different time? Was it simply man made for our protection? [u]Arrival, Section 1:[/u] "[b]Everything changed with the arrival of The Traveler.[/b]" My theory as to how it got here. It was brought back by means of Time Travel. I do believe it was man made. As for why it was made, is answered later in this thread. Bungie has already confirmed that the species known as "Vex" are "time-traveling robots."They went on to say "They have a fascinating fiction behind them. Which, in turn, creates one of the coolest deaths in the game." Perhaps the Vex have a bigger role in the story than we think. Brought back through time to find The Traveler, ultimately bringing it's demise? Leader of the Vex, antagonist of Destiny? [u]Purpose, Section 1:[/u] The story tells, The Traveler was our stepping stone into the Golden Age. How and why? Well from what I highlighted in Section 1, our first clue states, "[b]it breathed new life into our system.[/b]" Breathed new life, as in gave us new knowledge, to further advance our technology? Or literally gave new life, as in new forms of life? Which begs the question. Is The Traveler creator of all things in our galaxy? The All Mighty Ruler? The life line to all existence? I'll let you decide. [b]Point #2.[/b] [u]Last Stand, Peace, Greatest mystery:[/u] What happened to The Traveler? How can the savior of humanity be so easily defeated? What are we so desperately protecting? What is our greatest mystery? [u]Last Stand, Section 2:[/u] "[b]In our darkest days, Humans, Exos, and Awoken found the Traveler where it made its last stand low above Earth, silent and immobile.[/b]" By the way the above quote is worded, "last stand, silent and immobile" leads me to believe The Traveler is no longer functional. Maybe it falls under the premise that it's energy powered, and its energy source has depleted, or is missing? I believe it's a time traveling spacecraft no doubt, hence why it's called The Traveler. As to why it's immobilized. Maybe the creator of the spacecraft hid its energy source somewhere on earth, in fear it would fall in the wrong hands. Perhaps underneath the Last City. Maybe that's why they built it. Explains why we so desperately guard it. [b]Note[/b]: It explains how The Traveler shields the Last City. Shields them with its mass? Or shields them using some sort of force field? How can that be, if it plainly says it's silent and immobile, therefore being non functional? Just my opinion of course. [u]Peace, Section 2:[/u] "[b]Fighting countless wars to keep its peace.[/b]" Why do we strive so hard to keep peace, when all it does is cause war? Does keeping peace simply come by having possession of The Traveler? I believe having possession of The Traveler, will ultimately lead to our demise. It's only when we learn to live without it, will peace live among us. Which is the reason why it was made to begin with. [u]Greatest Mystery, Section 3:[/u] "[b]The only hope for our future lies in unlocking the 'greatest mysteries of our past'.[/b]" Greatest mysteries of our past. What are these mysteries? Who exactly built The Traveler? How did they know humanity was leading to extinction? What happened before The Traveler, that would prompt its existence? Save humanity, but from what? I guess we'll only find out in time. [b]What do you think is the greatest mystery in Destiny so far?[/b] Let's start up a convo below!



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