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8/5/2013 5:33:29 AM

Custom Forums

So, there's been a clash lately about the lack of moderation on this site vs people using the tools at their disposal. It's often said that people should customize their forum experience depending on what they want to see. I like this idea, but don't feel we have quite the right tools. Don't get me wrong, mute, dislike, and hide are great, but they are very limited tools. For one, they are all reactionary. I have to first come across a post I didn't want, then remove it. I'd like to be able to take a more proactive approach to my forum experience. Rather than (or perhaps, in addition to) having the predefined forums (Destiny, Gaming, etc) I'd like to create my own views of the forum, and I'd like the flexibility to decide what gets included and excluded from that view. For example, I should be able to create a view that contains #Bungie and #Community, but filters out #MailSack. And I should be able to create another that contains #Destiny and #Gaming, but filters out #MGS and #GTA. You gave us these tags, let us use them.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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