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Destiny について話し合おう
8/23/2013 4:19:58 AM

I see many people complaining about the lack of information in the new ViDoc(s)

It seems that many of us are wanting and expecting more details from Bungie. I think that's selfish. Bungie is doing a lot for us. Where's the Half Life 3 ViDocs, you know? Give the internet an inch, it wants a mile. Our 0v3rlords know what is best for us. This is a very slightly edited comment I posted in another thread, but it describes my feelings about the videos, I hope, succinctly. [quote]While the older ViDocs were a lot more in-depth, the older Bungie had very different needs than this Bungie does. *Now Bungie is independent* so they need to play the field in a much different way than before. Giving your opinion is not greedy, but expecting more detail from Bungie right now, without considering their extremely risky financial position right now, is. If Destiny fails, they're going under. It has been implied as much, as they don't have Micro$oft to fall back on anymore. That's what's on the line here, and you're all upset that they're advertising their game a little bit with teasers, only they're calling them ViDocs. How much more greedy can you get? Give Bungie a break, they are working extremely hard to bring YOU this game. They will spend hours and hours of labor divulging their secrets when they are not so busy working to build YOU a wonderful work of game art. [/quote] Bungie has to *very gradually* release information about Destiny, to expand the fan base. That takes a lot of time, so they are, wisely, taking things very slowly. That's my 2 cents. inb4 everyone thinks they know what Bungie should be doing more than Bungie does.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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