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Infiltrat0rN7により編集済み: 1/8/2014 1:08:01 AM

What's the difference between BF3 and BF4?

What is the actual difference between the 2 games? I haven't bought BF4 yet as i fear it's just BF3.5 on the PC. We already have 64 players and gud graphics so i don't see those as differences. The whole command network thing sounds like a cluster-blam!- that noone follows, also the Stealth/Ground jet turns me off as i always used the F/A-18 as a multi-purpose jet. So pretty much what are the major changes to BF4 and gameplay? I don't want to waste 60 dollars on BF3.5 also liek what guns are in BF4. I want to know that too.



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