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Destiny について話し合おう
AdamH020により編集済み: 7/27/2014 7:38:04 AM

My Destiny Experience

Well.. Where to start.. Firstly, I will go with the trending 15 year old rant about why Bungie has inconvenienced me personally. I have planned a trip back home to England, with some EU travel thrown in there, until the 13th September and you go and decide to release the game on the 9th, how inconsiderate of you to not cater your last 5+ years developing into my needs– assholes. In all seriousness though (with my actual 27 year old non-sarcastic head back on) this game is awesome. I have enjoyed every aspect, and I've definitely put a good amount of time into each part. I've tested all three classes pretty well and my conclusion is they're.. Wait for it.... Balanced! Despite reading a whole load of tripe of people complaining otherwise. The one thing I would say though is it's easy to misunderstand parts of this game. My main example is snipers– I have decent aim and I would get so frustrated as to why I can't one shot a guy but I could be one shotted, even with the warlock armor buff. Alas, I studied how to improve that, and after reading through a whole ton of 15 year olds crying, I found a very helpful post by someone stating the importance of impact, which I tested and it worked (turned out my current sniper, despite having the max damage at level 8 beta, had terrible impact) my point you ask? Don't run on here to complain, study the weak points and actually understand that much to your dislike, it's probably user error.. Like mine was. You don't think I screamed how broken it was at first? Of course I did. My second compliment to Bungie, the beta and the players– the world is extremely polished. Do I want more bigger fire teams? Yes! Do I know if this is an easy fix? No. So I won't complain, I'll embrace what I'm given and adapt to it. They are the experts, so there must be a reason for the 3 man team. My point being, the game is not catered for everyone's needs, embrace it as it is. Do you think your mum wanted you to be overweight and play video games? No.. But she still loves you very much. Do the same for Bungie and the game. Overall, I absolutely love the missions, the strikes and the free roam. Will I enjoy 3 man fire teams if they stay? No, but I'll deal with it because the gameplay is great. Finally, the beta progress.. A much debated/argued/whined about topic. Should it be kept? No. Why? Because everyone pays a set amount for the game and the official release date is 9/9/14, so on that day it should be an absolute level playing field. If you go in to Dicks tomorrow and buy a pair of nike 2014 super dunks, and the guy behind you had them preordered since last year, are you still both getting the same shoes? Yes. So why because you (and I) have had the privilege of playing a beta (many games offer preorders and no beta anyway) do you get to then keep items during the time bungie kindly let you play their game prior to release? Answer: you don't. Be grateful for the time you had to play and take the experience you learned to then progress faster when everything is reset. Oh and a final note on the ps4/xbox thing– we're all sat starting at a -blam!-ing tv playing the same game, probably eating junk food while we're at it.. Who cares which one you have, you're seeing the same stuff through a different colored box, just enjoy it. P.s. If this forum is anything to go off, please do not offer any sort of public chat, or if you do, offer an extremely user friendly mute function. P.p.s. A lot of you are awesome, I have enjoyed reading your stuff from a safe distance for a while, it's helped a lot but I wanted to post before the forum gets a little more peaceful. Oh, and look out for my small, insignificant and moderately skilled clan, Red Dwarf– a name only British people will appreciate.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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