Datto did a great video a while back on raiding in destiny.
It's long at 20 minutes but it will give those who have no idea what raiding is a little perspective.
Think about trying to pull those bosses off with a group of people who don't listen and can't learn rolls...
Why do you think a random party won't listen or learn there roll? Hold on. Leave that alone. If Bungie does come up with a better way to communicate in Destiny. We have no problems. They must do something or players will leave for the next big game. If I can talk, text to the Guardians in the tower. " learning raid run, I have four, any takers." Problem solved. A party finder, would do the same thing. If your clan/friends are short, you need players to raid? Destiny needs something, Bungie needs to do something. I am sure they are. They asked for our input.
people who want mm are those same lonely fuks who cause teams to lose and missions to be restarted because they suk ass.
the diff here is that destiny is a shooter. What type of things will you have to worry about? Are they gonna put a -blam!-ing rubix cube in there that you have to solve together. Its a shooter. There is no aggro, no healing, no buffing etc. its point and shoot, take cover, repeat. your telling me jumping to a couple of platforms needs all this cooperation and team work?
Quite frankly, the dude in video even admits he ain't got a clue about how raids will be in Destiny. To those who use some MMO's raids as the base of their argument against MM in Destiny's raids are just guessing.