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オリジナルの投稿元:Blood Drive
IVLeFleurにより編集済み: 10/24/2014 6:55:30 AM

Team Zeta Roster

Zeta Raid Leader: CheifHAM PSN: Chiefham Info: I am leader of Zeta Raid Team. My squad consists of the BEST OF THE BEST. 4 spots remain. Be aware your K/D will be monitored, if dropped below 1 you will be removed. Being a part of Zeta means you will participate in everything DESTINY has to offer. Apply: To apply for Zeta, write your PSN and class you will be choosing. What made you want to join Zeta? What FPS have you played? On a scale of 1-10(10 being highest)How skilled are you? Official Roster: - Chiefham [Warlock] Voidwalker, Sunsinger Lvl: 29 - Chainsaw_Suit [Warlock] Voidwalker, Sunsinger Lvl: 29 - WhiteX-Dementia [Hunter] Gunslinger, Bladedancer Lvl: 28 - John344321 [Titan] Striker, Defender Lvl: 27 - saberkiller-_- [Warlock] Voidwalker, Sunsinger Lvl: 28 --blank-- Weekly Raid People: - ChiefHAM Lvl: 29 - Mescalito Lvl: 30 - Chainsaw_Suit Lvl: 29 - EtnViTaL Lvl: 29 - (Taken) Lvl: 30 Total: 5 Zeta is rigorous. We are full but if you still want to apply sign up for it. The applications are still open. I'm hoping to make to a final cut for the team. The people inside are merely applicants at the moment. Zeta Team: lvl 27+ members, chill personality, love for crucible, and be a smart player. Upcoming Dates: - Vault of Glass (Normal) October 24 - Vault of Glass (Hard) October 24



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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