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Blonic により編集済み: 8/23/2014 12:12:13 AM

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the O'Blony Factor. (8/22/14)

Hi, I'm your host this evening, Blonic. Let's take a look at our top stories tonight: - Trouble at the borders for #Offtopic when it was discovered that a forum goer by the name Jphn 33 was helping Desticles illegally cross over from #Destiny into #Offtopic. Although he was confronted by authorities at the time, he managed to escape and is still at large. [url=]This is an artist's rendition of the suspect.[/url] He was last seen lurking in Qwerty's Le Thread of Random. If you see the suspect, please contact the local mods. - Last week, Ch33zyburrito was finally reunited with his long lost doge after its month long disappearance. It was just 10 days ago that a forum goer in #Offtopic found the doge wandering around on its own and managed to get in contact with the owner. When asked how he felt about the return of his pet, Ch33zyburrito replied,"Wow". Now, onto our new segment, Pinheads and Patriots. In this segment, I take a look at people who have had embarassing moments (Pinheads) and those who have made positive contributions to the forum (Patriots). Let's first take a look at the Pinhead of the Week: - A user that shall rename anonymous ran into conflict with another older member by the name Felicia. The victim was verbally harassed until he was quelled by logic and pictures of Bane from The Dark Knight Rises to the point where he fled from the #Offtopic forum for a short period. I officially give this anonymous named user the Pinhead Award for the week. Our Patriot of the Week is a newfoman by the name of Fartmonkey. Although he has been in forums for only a year, he has been causing quite a clamor with his wonderful tag #GurgleExcitedly as well as his wonderful shitposting. May you continue doing your best for #Offtopic. *salutes* Now, it seems we are almost out of time on the O'Blony Factor, so I'd like to leave all of you viewers at home a little word of advice: If your child plans on trick-or-treating in Engrapadora's neighborhood, it is advised that you do not dress up as a horse/filly for Halloween. Well, that's it for this week folks. On behalf of everyone here at Channel 4, I would like to wish you all a great rest of the week. *blows a kiss* Goodnight everybody!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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