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Destiny について話し合おう
オリジナルの投稿元:Rogue Fire Squadron
8/29/2014 2:52:52 AM

Species Run Down

A run down on the species of Destiny and what to expect. Awoken: Only to be feared when visiting the reef. Ethereal being who were forever changed in the collapse little is known of how they came to change only that they have transcended many limitations others have not. Cabal: Everything about the cabal is big from their ships to guns to the species itself ( it almost makes you thing they're compensating for something). The Cabal are to be feared and treated with high prejudice due to the amount of guardians who have fallen to them. Find a weakness, and exploit it... Exo: The Exos' began as a self aware war machine during the golden age, built for a long forgotten war and were rebooted during the collapse with no knowledge of their original function. Exos are so advanced that nothing short of a ghost can understand their inner workings. Only to be feared if you are the enemy as most exos are ruthless killing machines .. Literally. The Fallen: Now here's the real problem, the Fallen are a nomadic race of four armed bipedal humanoid species of pirates and mercenaries who inhabit the earth and moon. They're able to withstand extreme environments without any sort of protection however they do possess advanced weaponry armour and starships (of which they consider their homes). Take caution near the fallen as even though they seem easy to kill when met in high numbers or when negotiating a high rank they can be very fearsome. Apparently they believe they have taken every planet and moon humanity ever held, so even though you should take caution, next time you see them... Rip them a new one. Humans: I doubt this species needs much of an introduction, humanity is crippled but not down with high powered and advanced weaponry and vehicles they can still pack a punch. Watch out if your against them because they have a very strong survival instinct and are one of the most war mongering "advanced" species in the galaxy. Autonomous Droids "Robots" : Are littered across the galaxy and are mostly either destroyed or non functioning. Models that are partially self aware and working can be seen in areas of which are still maintained and preserved by the last of humanity. The are not to be feared at all and should be welcomed as more than not your going to be relying on them for a lot of services. Vex: Now here's a puzzle, the Vex are a time and space travelling race who currently inhabit Venus. They are mostly metal and resemble robots however they are made of some organic material aswell. Little is known of the Vex and their origins who travel using warp gates setup from another time. They should be killed on sight but due to the apparent lack of information they must also be treated with caution as who knows what tricks they have up their sleeves... In-depth species specific breakdowns will be available Soon... Enjoy :)



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