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9/13/2014 1:39:59 AM

VPNs and College

Alright, so it's obvious we won't be getting any official fix for university problems until Monday. Fine, at least they gave us an ETA. Now I'm wondering if I can set us a temp. fix for myself. I've been seeing a few people talk about VPNs and how they're able to fix a lot of their issues through one of them. I've never used a VPN before, so if anyone out there is more tech savvy, I would really appreciate if I could get some answers to a few questions. 1) what exactly is a VPN? I've done some research and know a little, but I still would like a rundown as to what exactly it does. 2) how could if possibly help with playing Destiny on my PS4? 3) Is it safe to use on campus? basically, if I use this, can I be found out and get into trouble with my university? 4) is there anyone you would suggest that offers a free trial I can use for this weekend? Really would appreciate if anyone would like to answer these. Thanks!
#Help #VPN #college



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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