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CerealKiller2316により編集済み: 9/18/2014 11:49:11 AM

Looking for Serious Dedicated members.

I am starting a Clan called Lightened Darkness. It is based to explore the PvE world of Destiny. We will be working together to make sure that everyone is prepared to take on whatever comes at us as we fight the Darkness. It will most likely be a late night raiding group and I am looking for dedicated mature gamers only. I'm not saying you have to be the most hardcore kid on your block and play every waking oment you have, but I do expect a good amount of play as well as members taking steps to be prepared for what we encounter. This means research on encounters as well as following orders from Fireteam leaders while in the thick of things. Actions are rewarded and there will be a structure.For now this will be a PS4 clan but soon will be set up to include the Xbox 360 and Xbox one. Please do not hesitate to add me online or to apply. I look forward working together and Becoming Legend...



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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