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Destiny について話し合おう
9/26/2014 8:03:00 PM

We need to face facts about this game...

I am slowly getting sick of this damn game, I have been and want to continue to be so positive about it but it's getting hard. I'm level 24 now and it's just a total grind, and so boring. My friend can't even join me as we keep getting constant error messages that BUNGIE HASN'T EVEN ADDRESSED. Centipede, bee, caterpillar, monkey, etc etc etc, hundreds of them. I'm trying to be positive about this and ignore all the stupid downfalls but enough is enough, we all need to face up to it; Destiny is a pretty average game for having such a high budget. $500 million dollars is a lot to make a game with, where did it all go? The story is laughable and generic, you're encouraged to look up the lore ONLINE and the information is not available in-game. The Speaker gives lazy answers like "I could tell you of the great battles, and great tales" but he doesn't! I was expecting true RPG things like being able run up and talk to NPCs, to ask questions and find out more about the lore, maybe a conversation wheel but no... All we do now is just grind and do the same exact missions over and over again but on a slightly harder level, which is boring and barely rewarding. Then there's the loot... The loot system is laughable, if I manage to actually pick up a Legendary Engram I expect the damn item to be Legendary, and also for my actual class. I have only gotten 1 legendary item so far in my entire time of playing and it was an arm band for a Warlock...(I'm a level 24 Titan). Screw the Cryptarch, if I hand over a Rare engram and he gives me Uncommon it makes me wish there was a middle finger expression tied to the D-pad. Yes the game looks gorgeous, there's no denying how it looks, and the gunplay is pretty good, as can be expected from Bungie, but people also expect a story that instantly hooks them and draws them in, inspiring them to want to learn all there is about the lore. This did not happen for me, the story missions are basically drop into the same exact spot all the time, Sparrow all the way across the area, shoot stuff, deploy the Dinklebot and shoot a big boss. Done, times that by about 3 or 4 per planet and you've got yourself the Destiny campaign. Another thing is there are way too many currencies in the game; Motes of Light, Strange Coins, Glimmer, resources that can be exchanged etc. Completely pointless, armour shaders don't have a preview option even though they're damn expensive, there's no map feature while in-game to find out where the hell you are. The Crucible is the biggest pile of crap I've played in terms of multiplayer matchmaking, I remember playing Halo 3 years ago and it instantly hooked me and made me have fun, in Destiny all that happens is I run around a corner and someone destroys me with one hit from a Fusion Rifle or a Shotgun. Screw that. People are mocking Peter Dinklage but to be honest I didn't really notice, I ignored the crap he was saying as it was just mindless garbage, written to fill out the silence by adding generic stuff that the Ghost is supposedly doing while we shoot 3 waves of enemies to defend him. OH by the way the DLC, £35 for an Expansion Pass that only comes with 2 expansions? It doesn't say anywhere that you are entitled to any future ones, and I BET the "expansions" are just a couple more Strike missions and maybe a couple of new maps, with gear you will have to buy with in-game currency or wait for them to "drop". I apologise for the lengthy rant but it all came pouring out of my mind, thinking of all the bull we have all had to put up with since release. I pose a question to you all, does Destiny live up to the hype you personally had for it?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I would like to first off add that the crucible is complete bs too. For one they say there is a disabled level advantage for the crucible to make sure we are all the same level sounds cool right? WRONG! One thing you will find is that all the gun's upgrades still count, like faster reload/increased ammo etc This goes for armour too I for one find that if the other guy has a better gun than you you're dead in two hits. I think that instead of you joining the crucible with weapons and armour that you have like the legendary gear or higher you instead join the game and pick your class, Hunter, Warlock or the Titan and he/she has armour equipped that is for the crucible only and you pick your weapon, Scout Rifle, Auto Rifle and Pulse Rifle maybe even the Hand Cannon, then at some points in the match you and your team can get the special weapons and then the Heavy ones other than having a constant respawning box for the special ammo.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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