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Destiny について話し合おう
SpingHeeledJackにより編集済み: 10/31/2014 8:57:25 PM

"The not so well known" material farming exploit (60 every 5 minuets)

Incase you may not have known there is a way to consistently and indefenently farm material nodes and chests. This exploit also worked in the beta and is still functional now. The way in which you do this is that you find a material node or chest in a specific area quickly leave the area (meaning you must go to the next area where the on screen text appears) then go back to the chest or node and require then repeat. As far as i and others have tested this can be done infinently, however the exploit[b] will not work[/b] if anouther player is still in the area when you leave. Also if you spend to much time trying to leave then the chest or node will disappear. Here are a few tips regarding this strat. It is a good idea to make your rounds untill a chest or node spawns just near the exit of the area. In this way the process of requiring is much faster as you can leave and come back much faster. You can also do this trick with multiple chests and/or nodes. Meaning you can aquire a chest and a node or anouther chest and come back and require them both. Use your sparrow guys. Incase you already knew about this then thats fine, just bump the post so other players can find out how to do it.



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