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Destiny について話し合おう
オリジナルの投稿元:Thorny Guardians
1/1/2015 8:07:25 PM

Datto's Exotic Weapon Tier Lists (PvE & PvP)

What do you all think of these lists? Do you agree? Would you move something? This is just one person's opinion but the lists look good to me. [url=]PvE Tier List[/url] - Click for video [b]S[/b] - Hawkmoon, Vex Mythoclast, Gjallarhorn, Icebreaker [b]A+[/b] - Plan C, Thorn, Thunderlord [b]A[/b] - Suros Regime, Truth, Bad Juju, MIDA Multi-Tool, Patience and Time [b]B+[/b] - Pocket Infinity, Red Death, Dragon's Breath [b]B[/b] - Hard Light, Monte Carlo, The Last Word, Invective, Super Good Advice [b]Below B Tier[/b] - Universal Remote, The 4th Horseman, No Land Beyond [url=]PvP Tier List[/url] - Click for video [b]S[/b] - Hawkmoon, Suros Regime, Gjallarhorn, Plan C, Truth, Vex Mythoclast, Thorn, The Last Word [b]A[/b] - Patience and Time, Thunderlord, Invective, MIDA Multi-Tool [b]B+ [/b]- Red Death, Icebreaker, Pocket Infinity [b]B[/b] - Universal Remote, Monte Carlo, Hard Light, Dragon's Breath, Bad Juju [b]Below B Tier[/b] - Super Good Advice, The 4th Horseman, No Land Beyond



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