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Destiny について話し合おう
Zankreayにより編集済み: 1/8/2015 9:26:30 PM

Black Suros ADM-94, or Payback SOS? (PvP)

Black Suros ADM-94


Payback SOS


They both suck


Wondering what you guys think about these guns and which would be better in the crucible. Currently I'm feeling like the Suros is better, but neither are upgraded at all, so I don't have the perks yet. The payback has reduced grenade CD, and increased stability, and the Suros has better accuracy the longer it's fired. I'm thinking the Suros will be better since it has way higher stability, and more impact, with not too much less rate of fire. The Payback has 1.5 times the magazine though and is a bit higher rate of fire. I also don't really know how things like impact work in the crucible etc. and the fact that the payback is "legendary", and the Suros is "rare" makes me question it, so looking for some opinions from experienced players.



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