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PSDにより編集済み: 1/19/2015 2:57:08 PM

Sprinting stops for 1 - 2 seconds

Good afternoon Bungie Help, For a while now I thought my left thumb stick was going out of wack now and then when I pressed down to Sprint. It seems at random times my guardian will not run for 1 second or 2 and just walk no matter how many times i click down on the left thumb stick. This may not sound long but it's crucial to evade in pve and especially in pvp. This lead me to buy a new controller for xboxone. I soon realize a new control did not solve this issue. I mentioned it during a raid. I yelled, "this left thumb stick prevents me from running.i think i broke my new control again." Lord behold all 5 people in my fire team responded with the same issue. It happened to them too.! All thought it was their left thumb stick! Bungie, Deej, is there some sort of Sprint cool down that is not mentioned or displayed graphically to inform us? Or is this just a glitch/bug. Is it intentional? Please reply Regards, Spartin83



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