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1/21/2015 7:06:12 PM

Destiny downloading the same update every time I turn my Xbox on

Every time I start Destiny on my Xbox 360, I am greeted with a message stating that an update is installing. It's the same update every time; it starts off as a maximum of 903KB, which then turns becomes 1.29MB, then 932KB, then at ~50% download, 55.07MB, then 922KB I do not have the patience to wait 10 minutes every single time I want to play this game. I have previously run into issues with networking within the game, specifically, the inability to actually play as I was shown that the Destiny servers were down, usually with the error code "currant". I resolved this by port forwarding the appropriate ports for Destiny and enabling DMZ for my Xbox 360. However, the issue above remains. I have attempted to do the following, with no success: - Completely uninstall and reinstall Destiny. - Restart the system. - Use the LB + RB + DOWN combination at the "Press A to play" screen - Play a different game for ~30 minutes, and then play Destiny again. - Turn off the system and unplug it for 10 minutes to clear the cache. None of these methods work. After trying the last suggestion, I am greeted with an error message "oyster" when the update tries to install, and am then unable to sign in and receive the "currant" error message.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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