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Destiny について話し合おう
1/26/2015 9:57:12 PM

Crota Hard Mode Strategy

Hello fellow guardians! Like many of you, Crota Hard Mode has been a challenge for me and my fireteam. Countless hours spent attempting strategies, over and over again, but none succeeding. So we altered a strategy we found on here, and I figured I would share it with you guys. It's a 100% no cheese strategy. It will take hard work, and a coordinated team. The Basics: -You will want Level 32 people. I was the single level 31 when we completed this, and let me tell you, it is a challenge. Lot's of pressure on me to stay alive and not mess up. We made it work, but my advice; all level 32's. It really does help. If you are under 31, don't even attempt killing Crota. -Our fireteam consisted of two titans, one warlock, and three hunters. Titans NEED to run defender with suppressor grenades, blessing of light, and when waiting for a super, put untouchable perk. Once you have the bubble, switch to illuminated. Bastion perk too. Warlocks run sunslinger, (I dont have class specs) and Hunters run bladedancer with invisibilty perks loaded to the bone. Shadowjack, Stalker, Escape Artist. The whole armada. - Remember... This is hard mode. No health recovery. Set up your class perks so Armour and agility are pushed to the max. Your recovery can suffer. It's not important. - Weapons should be 331 attack weapons. Stuff from the vault is useless. No Visions, Epilogues, Mythoclasts... None of that bullshit. It does nothing. Weapons from the raid work well. GJALLARHORNS ARE A NECESSITY At least 3/6 people should have one... I think 4 out of 6 of my team had Oversoul Edict on (obtained from the pit). V2 weapons only. The Strategy: Before stepping on the crystal, and raising the walls, both titans should have bubbles. Once supered, step on the crystal, activate it. Wait til the minimap pops up and deploy a bubble in the middle. If one of the titans has the "Mark of Saint-14" helm on, he should equip it. The knights can get aggressive and charge. and with that helm, they are blinded when walking into the bubble. Clear both sides, pooping in and out of the titans bubble, trying to take as little damage as possible. Call out when sides are clear. Once clear, the fireteam should navigate over to the LEFT wing attached to the crystal room. Wait for the boomers (knights) in the tower to spawn, and rain hell on them with snipers. STAYING IN THE ROOM. The boomers can't hit you back in the wing. After clearing them out, note that they will spawn back in soon. The gatekeeper (sword bearer) should spawn in and come to the stairs. Have one titan ready with a bubble. Kill the swordbearer and get rocket launchers ready.A witch should spawn from the tower and fly over to the middle. Kill her with the rockets. Have a titan with a bubble hop onto the rocks beside crota's center platform. Put down the bubble there. Hunter picks the sword up, and goes in the bubble. Everyone with a gjallarhorn fires at Crota on the hunter's command, and when Crota kneels over, hunter lays 3 or 4 blows on him, drops the sword, knifes crota, going invisable, picks the sword back up, and dashes back to the bubble on the rocks. The team fires rockets at crota again, while keeping an eye out for the boomers in the tower. Hunter runs and hits crota down to about the COMMA in his name. Runs back, and to the safety of the team. Crota should move to the right side. Have one teamate run to the crystal room and keep an eye out for crota moving back to the center. Meanwhile, the rest of the fireteam keeps watch on the boomer tower on the LEFT SIDE. You all should be located in the LEFT WING of the crystal room, firing shots at the boomers til they are ALMOST dead. It is very important they are not killed. However, when Crota moves back to the center, the lookout in the crystal room alerts the rest of the team, and the boomers are killed, prompting another round of a witch and gatekeeper. Repeat the process. Again, make sure to not kill crota. You do not want him enraged yet. After the second round of the sword, ogres will spawn. Run through the crystal room AS SOON AS THE SECOND ROUND OF THE SWORD HAS FINISHED. Run to the RIGHT side, and go underneath the boomer tower. Have the titan with the Saint-14 helmet place a bubble over the doorway where the ogre comes out. This will blind him, while your team rains hell on the ogre. The other ogre should walk to the middle. Stay away from the door outside, thrall and acolytes will end your attempt fast. Kill the other ogre FAST from the safety of your room under the boomer tower. About halfway through killing this second ogre, we got the message crota was going to be enraged soon. As soon as he is killed, you have one of two options. Get one hit with the sword on Crota, knock him down some more, or let him move to the left side again, (risky) and make another round of waiting (safe but slower) I typically advise running left from the room, up the stairs, back through the crystal room back over to the left side. Kill the boomers when Crota is in the middle, Kill the witch, deploy rock-bubble and wail at him. When Crota becomes enraged, it is full-force GO time. Don't worry about the oversoul. If you have Crota down far enough (like you should) just shoot crota with your rockets and have your hunter sprint over to crota, killing him. You should have seconds to spare. But it is important not to shoot oversoul if Crota is almost down. In all, this took us less than 30 minutes to complete (not including the full raid, just crota) This worked really well for us, but then again, it is all really a test of how coordinated your fireteam is. Comment below with any questions, comments, concerns. Etc. Message me on xbox 360 at vTec Squirrely if you need help. Let me know how this works for all of you. Good luck Guardian. Squirrely, out. :)



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