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IngloriousWho98により編集済み: 1/30/2015 5:51:15 PM

Let Me Try My Hand At Telling Stories

Gather round I'm going to tell you a story... Picture this A father He is a necromancer He can bring people back from the dead He can bring people back from the dead... He had three triplet daughters Two are alive, born and bred One of them is dead And these girls are very special One can see in the dark And one can breathe underwater I've set up the story for starters Now, here's the father "She's gone, Rose. She's dead." "Can we bring her back?" they said. He said, "You can but it's hard. It's really hard. You have to..." "What can we do?" "You have to play the [spoiler] [/spoiler] with all your might. And it will sound right..."



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