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Destiny について話し合おう
Slayniteにより編集済み: 2/5/2015 11:01:31 PM


Full Retard. I think it's long past time that we discuss this serious affliction that is plaguing the destiny community. I think we all recognize a full retard when we come across them, but let's cover the basic offenders: [b]1.WoC such WoaH bettar then Fatbringer!! 2. Nerf Valhallahorn bc EVERYONE snipes from the PELICAN. 3. Bro le centre strat en Croat is SUCH A CHEESE that I made my mam make lasagna bc hungry! 4. Fusion raffles are so not legit like OP like at all bc like Im relly good with them, k. 5. Heavy ammos glitch is nawt a waste of time at all I don even need heavy synthesizers. +++I defffff don't need a way to heel myself at croat[/b] Now, there are several other comments that qualify one for full retard status, I'm going to let you guys use your discretion and perhaps I'll add some egregious ones to the list. All this being said, I think at some point in our lives, we all go full retard. You might even think this is [i]my[/i] moment, but there are repeat offenders and they need our help. At the heart of it, they're just lost guardians or have the weight of retardation x10, we need to bring them to the light. I fear that if we don't, we'll never grow as a community and it will continue to affect our raiding and crucible experiences. So I ask you, Guardians of the inmost common sense, will you take the Full Retard Pledge and help these lost guardians? Will you finally take Crota out in less than an hour?? Sign here guardians. They might not know it, but the Tower thanks you as well..



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