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Awoken From Darkness

"We are the small light that shines bright in the depths of darkness"

가입 요청
  • 강령

    My mission for this clan is to make this group a fun place for gamers everywhere to have fun. Many gamers on here use forums to find games, you may not get a respond sometimes because of "requirements" you need to play but in Awoken From Darkness we will play with you (No requirements needed). I hope you understand were I'm coming from when you can't find a game. I hope you guys can help me out an expanding this new group to the destiny universe. if you interested in joining Awoken From Darkness message me on here. We are the small light that shines bright in the depths of darkness

  • 회원 가입

    2 그룹원
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    9 년간 그룹 활동
    이 그룹이 활성화된 연수
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