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2/19/2015 4:17:46 PM

I Want To Fly the MILANO

Playing Iron Banner, I just got my first Legendary reward, the ship Seraphim Toaster [i]("Angels are a navigational hazard")[/i]. This ruined my theory that I had to wait until rank 3 to start getting any rewards, so I'm a little hyped about that, but it also got me thinking about ships in general. Destiny's ships are more or less all variations and combinations of 4 or 5 basic designs. Color combinations change (leaning heavily towards flourescent green, for some reason), little doohickeys are added, but after a while, they start to seem... very similar. Let's have some UNIQUE ships. I personally want the [i]Milano[/i]. I'm a Guardian, we're in the Galaxy, it all falls into place. Let's have the ship from Guardians of the Galaxy. Or [i]Serenity[/i]. The best boat in the 'Verse. I would pay good solid coin for the chance to fly [i]Serenity[/i]. What about the [i]Millenium Falcon[/i], Star Wars fans? Fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Xur could sell the blueprints for, let's say, 28 coins each. A different ship each month. It's too much to hope for, what with all the conflicting copyrights and licenses, but if even ONE of these ships were in the Destiny universe- a treasured blueprint from the Golden Age- it would mean so much to the fans. There are so many more that I could name. What ship do you want to fly in Destiny?

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