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작성자: luke20001010 2/21/2015 6:21:34 PM

No Man's Sky!!!!!!

Can't Wait!


Never Heard of It.


I'm Looking It Up Now.


I cannot wait for No Man's Sky to be released sometime this year. The game looks to be amazing! Free roam whilst discovering new planets and plants and animals. Randomly flying in your spaceship around the universe and going to any planet that looks somewhat appealing... Wow... This is going to be awesome. Just imagine having one mission: reaching the mystery in the center of the universe. I wonder what will be inside. Will it take you to another universe and possibly end up being the universe of No Man's Sky 2? Or will it just rip you to shreds? This game is probably going to be known for its awesome, exotic, and unique landscape. Let's see how many votes and likes we can get to make the poll widespread! Thanks guys!

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