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작성자: Tiber of Astora 2/26/2015 5:23:21 AM

Metro 2034 - Metro Fans Unite!

We've seen two video game titles based around the Metro universe. Metro 2033 was an adaptation of the book with the same name. Metro Last Light was stand alone, later to be adapted into the book Metro 2035. The thing is Metro 2034 has yet to receive a video game. This in addition to the fact that most game series are released as trilogies. (By trilogy, I mean three installments.) I would love to see Metro 2034 adapted into a video game. Perhaps an open world style game. They touched upon it with the last two games, but exploration could be expanded. Recently, Metro Redux was released. This introduced the developers new game engine to Metro 2033. Revamping the game's graphical fidelity. Perhaps this is a sign that we might see 2034! The plot is very interesting and there's room for innovation with regard to Metro as a game. Edit: Be aware that other authors made their own stories within the Metro universe. There are countless books out there that revolve round this sci-fi/supernatural/post-apocalyptic world. Adaptations could be made from these novels too. Edit: Most game series are released as trilogies. Which gives me reason to speculate. I understand that there are only two books released. 2035 was supposed to come out a few years ago.

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  • I just want Artyom to talk in game damnit!

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  • Redux was good, but the remaking of games is getting to be a bit much.

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    • Last Light was originally called Metro 2034.

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    • They were good but at the end of each I felt like there was something missing.

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      • Idk. I enjoyed the books way more than the games. I felt the games failed to capture the beauty that is the Cyrillic language.

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        1 답변
        • It may just be Chinese whispers but I heard unofficially from a mate when I said I'd like to see another game that they are holding off on it as the books writer has demanded a fair bit more money this time.

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          Yiiiiiiiis! This needs to happen. Would love to see a more Open-world metro game.

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        • I would personally like to see an MMO/RPG in the Metro universe. The factions, RPG elements, and every survival mechanic is already there, there would only need to be access to a larger part of the Metro and the Surface, and a higher player count. Who else agrees?

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          11 답변
          • 작성자: DELIVER ME MEMES 2/25/2015 10:12:33 PM
            i'd like to see the metroverse expanded to have [b]accurate and proper[/b] english translations... pretty sure it got banned under the sanctions against russia, though...

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            6 답변
            • I wish ibooks had an English version of the books

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            • 작성자: Garzon 2/25/2015 10:26:54 PM
              Actually, now I'm curious. How many people here have [i]actually[/i] read Dimitry Glukhovsky's Metro series? [spoiler]I haven't.[/spoiler]

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              10 답변
              • I'd like to see a new game, as I loved the previous two. Not too sure about an open-world though. What I'd prefer is more freedom and exploration. Not complete freedom, but more options on how you achieve your objective. Maybe you get a choice which tunnel you want to travel through. One maybe has bandits, another has mutants, and so on. Some of the levels allowed some freedom, and I enjoyed looking around every nook and cranny, especially on the surface, but there's definitely the potential for more. There are some other things I'd look to see, but I'm not too sure they would be a good fit for the Metro universe. I'm just hoping for expansion on an already great game, they don't need to overhaul everything.

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              • Hopefully they'll make more additions and improvements than Last Light did to 2033. They felt sort of like the same game.

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              • Metro Last light is one of the best games I've ever played. Any Metro game and I'm in

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                1 답변
                • I feel as if the games should span away from the books, and keep on with Artyom's story after Last Light (good ending) for more creative freedom. Maybe touch on 2034 a tad, so that the people who only play the games know what happened to Hunter. Although that's just my opinion.

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                • Hopefully the developers can bless us with a new Metro next year.

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                  1 답변
                  • Did anyone here get the "Kshatriya" DLC for Last Light? It's a very limited open world, but it's a fitting start, I think. Basically, you play as a scavenger who has to roam in a little sandbox and find a bunch of different items scattered around the map. The sense of unpreparedness is great; you start broke with no ammo and resources are scarce. There's also a series of side missions where you need to install light bulbs throughout the sewers in sockets, which I just thought was a distinctly "Metro" style of mission. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the next Metro. The world is uniquely dirty, that's just the sense I get from the plot and the characters and the way everything is cobbled together from scraps. A compelling world, without a doubt. If they can make a more open world that stays faithful to its atmosphere, that'll be the next big thing, for sure.

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                    9 답변
                    • I love that game I'm playing right now on the one

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                      3 답변
                      • 작성자: Thedude7388 5/1/2024 11:48:48 PM

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                        3 답변
                        • 작성자: Psyntifik 2/25/2015 2:14:41 AM
                          If they make an open-world game based on the Metro universe, I don't want it to be related to the books or Last Light. Even so, 2034 is set before Last Light as far as I could tell.

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                          2 답변
                          • If 2034 would happen I would really want it to be in an open world, but also keeping the survival aspect to. I've always liked the world above the metro and wanted to explore it more. Basically keep the same formula for a normal Metro game, but make it in an open world with side quests, crafting etc.

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