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작성자: VII 2/27/2015 9:29:03 PM

Destiny Developer Open House Question

Weapon Balancing... For the Nechrocasm and No Land Beyond. Nechrocasm I don't own the gun myself, but from listening to people complain about it, it sounds pretty bad. I have watched countless Nechrocasm reviews and Gameplay videos and I must say it looks like it's underperforming. Along with the recent Auto Rifle nerf i imagine it's practically useless. Since it is the hardest gun to acquire [i]in the game[/i] I would at least imagine it would be better than Suros Regime. Will we see a buff for the Nechrocasm? Perhaps it could fray from its Auto Rifle archetype and have a higher impact like that of For The People or Vanquisher. It definitely needs [i]something[/i] to increase the damage, I'm just throwing out ideas. And maybe increasing the chance for a thrall explosion? Or maybe make it to where every kill with the weapon has a chance for a thrall explosion? Again. Just ideas. No Land Beyond I [i]do[/i] own this particular Sniper Rifle and I Must say it's an absolute blast to use. But it's major flaws make it an unwise decision for higher level activities. First of all, fix the ammo reserve. Even if you decide not to buff this gun, fix the ammo reserve. 6 bullets in the mag and 6 bullets in reserve? That's horrendously low! As for buffs. A better Iron sight would make this gun so much better. "The Master" perk focuses on Headshot damage, but it's nearly impossible to land Headshots with that clunky thing stuck on top of this potential beast. And this isn't quite as important, but a higher ammo reserve would be nice as well. (Even after it's fixed). The stats and animation are fine. (Although the animation could be a [i]little[/i] faster) But the Iron Sight and the ammo reserve really ruin this weapon. So summed up: [i]will Nechrocasm and No Land Beyond recieve the buffs they are in dire need of?[/i] Sincerely -one of your loyal followers...

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