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2/27/2015 8:47:35 PM

Developer Open House Question

First off, a personal question. Will Lord Saladin carry the Iron Banner Helmet during March's Banner event? (It's the only piece I'm missing and I do so love the style and perks) The biggest question I have for Crucible's developers is not from only myself, but my friends, and probably many more besides. [b]Why is there such a massive emphasis on the Crucible?[/b] Is it meant to be the primary game mode? Several Exotic Bounties require success in the Crucible, almost all "special events" are primarily Crucible-centric, and the only way to purchase Faction gear is to spend Crucible Marks (this only became an issue after the deletion of the the Materials Exchange. In doing so, the only way PvE-only players could obtain said currency without entering the Crucible was removed, but it was never explained why the Exchange was felt detrimental to gameplay to merit the deletion). [b]How was the Materials for Marks exchange at the Quartermasters in any way injuring the game? Was it removed to guide more players into the Crucible?[/b] [i]It feels as though the Crucible receives preferential treatment, and that the PvE experience suffers as an expense[/i]. All of the weapon tuning (which only seems to lead to bugs and issues in PvE), the lack of attention to issues solely within PvE (i.e. the buggy Raids, such as Praetorians instantly healing just as they should die), whereas any issue affecting the Crucible always appears to be given the utmost priority. It just doesn't make any sense. [b]We can spend untold hours blowing off each others heads, but we cannot find the time to be told our history, or why we are killing these other sentient beings. Other than an unsatisfying, "They are our enemies.". [/b][i]Doesn't that make us all sociopaths? [/i] One examples is Ghost not telling us the full story after we were resurrected, even after we were safely ensconced in the Tower. Also, the Speaker stating, "I could tell you of the great battle...," but failed to elaborate any time afterward. For Heaven's sake, if you stand beside him in the Tower, he will eventually say something about there not being time, and that we must return to the fight. Yet, we still find plenty of time for violent competition? Sorry for all of the questions, after 800 odd hours I've built up quite a reserve of them. One final note. [b] Thank you for your time, patience, and for having Claudia Black voice a member of the Tower.[/b] [i]There must be at least one Farscape fan on staff.[/i] (You cannot deny the resemblance the Awoken bear to [i]Chiana[/i] and the rest of the [i]Nebari[/i])

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