Okay guys, there's been a lot of chatter about the Crux of Crota drop and how to get it. Here's the deal....
To increase your chances of getting the drop...
Crota on [b]hard[/b]....(insert all your raunchy jokes here, lol)
[b]Glowhoo[/b] equipped
(Husk of the Pit upgraded to...)[b] Eidolon's Ally[/b] on your character.
Crux of Crota is an exotic material that will upgrade your legendary Eidolon's Ally to a [b]Necrochasm[/b], which is of course, [b]exotic[/b].
[b]Nechrochasm[/b] is best used against a multitude of thrall and headshot kills on thrall with this weapon cause them to explode as if they were cursed, making this a good way to take out a cluster of enemies.
Have fun!