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작성자: Unknown Error 5/23/2015 2:43:23 PM

Ship Ideas

[b]1 [/b]While in orbit you could have the ability that when you press R2(RT) you fire rockets/bullets and when you press L2(LT) you feel and see your ship shaking like it's slowing down. [b]2 [/b]I'd say to have the interior in each ship the same at the moment to quicken implementation if Bungie will ever bring this in. But vary the colour of bullets per ship. [b]3 [/b]Remember the cinematic when you first entered the tower? Imagine that in first person every time you entered the tower (optional) and even when you entered each of the planets like mercury does but in first person view. [b]4 [/b]When going into 'hyperdrive' have your character make a 'pulling lever' movement and a back force for immersion. [b]5 [/b]Have a level for each ship starting at 1 and the the more the ship travels the more the customisable options unlocked. [b]6 [/b]In the hangar in the Tower and the Vestian Outpost have an option to go straight to each other without having to go to orbit. (With a cinematic :) These are just some of my ideas on how to better implement ships into the game. I'd love to hear your ideas!

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