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5/29/2015 6:36:22 AM

Remove Crucible Heavy and Special Ammunition Drops

This suggestion is to make four changes: 1. Remove all ammunition chests from the Crucible. 2. Allow everyone to keep their existing ammunition though spawn and respawn. 3. Activate ammunition synths in the Crucible. 4. Change the cool downs so that primary synths can always be used, secondary synths can be used every two minutes, and Heavy synths can be used every 10 minutes. (Times can be changed for balance) Result: As a result of this change, heavy and special weapons would be available at the start of a game (if you could afford the synths), but would be locked away for several minutes once the initial flurry of their use subsided. The cool downs for the synths would take the place of the ammo chest cool downs, and rather than gathering around a chest, players would have to open a menu and make themselves vulnerable to continue to use certain weapons.

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