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6/14/2015 8:14:36 PM

This game is broken.

I have played Destiny since day one. I love the game, always have. Bungie used to fix things that were broken and made the game balanced. Not so much anymore. Weeks have passed where is is near impossible to go to the Lighthouse without wielding one of the three exotic hand cannons. I personally love Hawkmoon, it is a very cool gun. I still agree that it, along with Thorn and The Last Word, are very OP. I want to continue to enjoy Crucible but I can't anymore because of overpowered weapons and glitches and lag. I have also had an Elder Cipher at Variks on my Warlock for four weeks now without any way to choose one of the weapons. I get that Bungie is busy with a lot right now, but these are the two big changes that came with The House of Wolves and they are both broken. It's hard to stay a fan Bungie, please fix these problems soon. I know that everyone else agrees at some level with me. For now, I am taking a break from Destiny. Hopefully you guys can make the game what it used to be.

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