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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
7/26/2015 1:15:48 AM

New Way to Experience the Story

I used this timeline and enjoyed it


I look forward to using this timeline


I used this timeline, but it wasn't for me


I don't intend to use this timeline


I disagree with the order of events in this


Hello fellow Guardians! The link I just attached to this post will take you to an excel document on Google Docs with a new story timeline. Allow me to elaborate; I've been getting really into the Destiny story and grimoire lately (again) and since I've already played the story through 5 (?) times already and I've been playing for a year, I wanted to experience the story again without restarting a character and with the new DLC missions and strikes included. So I put together this timeline which incorporates all of the main story missions and throws the side missions and strikes in for good measure. I wrote up a little narrative which links all of the missions so that you can get a little head-canon going to help you experience the story in this way. I'm aware I havent got every little detail perfect and my plot probably has HUGE holes, but use your imagination a little, yeah? Few things to note; This timeline includes ALL destiny DLC missions to date This timeline includes ALL Playstation-specific content This timeline can be enjoyed at any time, whether to get a bit of exp or just to re-experience the story, I'm pretty proud of how it's put together. I havent actually run this yet, I'm getting my friend to start the run with me tomorrow, but I wanted to share it with some other people :) Please be cool about this, I put a lot of hard work into it so if you share it anywhere, please make sure to credit me and above all else, enjoy yourselves! I love this game, I love it's art direction, I love it's story and I can't wait for more! P.S I do creative stuff, look for TheDoubleTap (Connor Handley) on behance!

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