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작성자: Krios631 8/23/2015 9:44:08 PM

Bungie be warned!

Simply you put you have the narrative for Destiny, It Exist. The ISSUE is that out of all the missions and content, it lacks, in ex. you tell us to kill something because it is evil and impacts the outcome, WHAT OUTCOME? Bungie I love your game, but what I want is not JUST narrative, I want IN-DEPTH NARRATIVE. Bungie you can and will expand your player base and make it happier by doing this. Also I know you are "working on it" but the reason your game is only 6/10 upon release is due to the lack of story depth, I want a history for this game, not in grimoire cards I want characters in game to have a personality a background story to share. I want the game to have a background and story without DLC not "oh, you want a story with your activities.. buy this DLC for only $40 today!" Because a game without good narrative is not a game it is a compilation of task and competitions. "Eye's up Guardian[s]" you need to press this, and I mean more... Do you agree, do you disagree, I want a discussion I want awareness and I want Bungie to look and listen, Because they do and they deliver, but I don't think this issue has enough strength in the community as of yet for them to decide to take action, because It needs a lot of pressing on our end and means a lot of labor on theirs Note: caps are stressing the words not yelling them.

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