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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: gcw0068 9/2/2015 10:49:23 PM

Ward of Dawn- The "Defensive" Super (also, Titan Melees)

Needs a buff, now. I'm a Gunslinger saying this so I'm not biased at all. Let's look at what supers Ward of Dawn beats. *crickets* Let's look at what beats WoD -golden gun -razor's edge -fist of havoc -nova Bomb -a couple of grenades during radiance Here's the fix. Ward of Dawn just takes = to three GG shots to down. And as for melees and Storm Fist- my thoughts aren't tl buff range, but rather damage. And make storm fist disorient on precision punches.

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