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작성자: gcw0068 9/10/2015 2:31:32 AM

Luck in the Chamber: The most important 3% there is. A Nerf Analysis.

Lets look at damage. High impact hand cannons like Timur's Lash. Nonprecision PvP (np)- 64 Precision (P) PvP- 95 non precision Boost (npB)- 83.2 (fractions exist in damage calculations, but are not displayed on screen) precision Boost (pB)- 123.5 Time for some math. Keep in mind, minimal HP is 188, on a Hunter. Max is either 203 or 204, on a Titan. The Ram used to surpass this but hopefully it no longer does. Not sure. Anyways... P+P= 190= 2 headshot kills on low armor P+np= 159= no kill pB+np= 123.5+64 = 187.5... yes. 187.5. 0.0026% less damage than we need for a kill. What a coincidence. Let's look at what this was before Luck in the Chamber was nerfed: (64)+(95*1.33) = 190.35. A two shot kill on low armor. So you see, 3% makes a big difference. For those that grinded their asses off for an Ill Will Moon, get ready to be SUPER frustrated on a surprisingly frequent basis. For those that grinded their asses off for a Fulcrumoon, I'm willing to bet this will have similar implications regarding the two headshot kill frequency.

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