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작성자: HaPi76 9/6/2015 12:49:18 PM

Patrol environment improvements

Yes! But only the skybox.


Yes, but with elemental modifiers (see link)


Yes to all of the above, with a difficulty setting


No, please just give me a difficulty setting


No, Patrols are fine as is, thank you.


I've spent, and plan on spending, a lot of time on patrol (rep farming, public events, faction bounties, etc). For me, these maps are among the most beautiful spaces in the game. Like many others, I love the immersive quality of these environments. But like many members of the community, we believe that these environments are not above improvement. I've read many comments as to how Bungie could improve the Patrol Maps and, to the best of my abilities, built this survey trying to distill the idea. Thank you to all who took the time to read and reply to this survey, hoping that our feedback now coupled with numbers, will give Bungie the motivation to value (and hopefully implement) this community request. Thank you!

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