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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
9/29/2015 8:20:32 PM

Butthurt hunters are hilarious!

The greatest thing i've seen on these forums so far is how salty the hunters have been now that the sunbreaker rules pvp. Now titans have a subclass that lets them actually TANK in pvp, and almost every hunter can't even handle it. This is history at work here, watching the once underdog class emerge on top, making the old top pvp class so pissed that the forums FILL TO THE BRIM with nerf threads. Bungie, don't give the pathetic fairies what they want, because sunbreaker is NOT as OP as everyone says. I've seen multiple sunbreakers get shut down before they can get a kill, have killed them myself, and have been killed using it. Sure it's the most powerful assault special, but you morons realize this is TITANS were talking about, a class based around pure power. The third subclasses are supposed to be the most powerful, and sunbreaker does the job correctly. Any nightstalker, or defender can disable their special, so if you really hate sunbreakers, just turn off there special. And my least played class recently has been the titan, so i'm not biased at all. I main a warlock.

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  • I'm a main warlock, but I think that sunbreakers are op in pvp. I don't mind getting killed by supers, you're supposed to get killed with a super, but a GG only has 3 shots, a nova bomb has one throw, bladedancers have a very short time span and sticker is also a 1 shot close range thing. Sunbreakers have seven shots with a timer that seems much longer than blade dancer. Just reduce the hammers to 4 and it's cool, but that u throws plus there's a glitch that let's them throw a grip. just my opinion.

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